The name of this club shall be the Frederick Model Aircraft Club, Inc.

The purpose of this organization is to promote the building and flying of model aircraft
and to promote acceptance and good will toward this sport/hobby.

Section I Process
Membership shall be made by application and approved in accordance with the club constitution/by-laws. New Member applications shall be presented by a Frederick
Model Aircraft Club, Inc. member in good standing and approved in accordance with the club constitution/by-laws. A member in good standing shall be any member who has been voted in the club by a majority of the members at a club meeting and shall have no written reprimands out standing in accordance with Article XII.

Upon receipt of a completed club application with appropriate dues and initiation fee,
and verification of current AMA status, a person will be conferred “Provisionary
Membership”. Provisionary members will be allowed to use club facilities and participate in club activities, but will have no voting rights. Provisionary members will be voted on for full membership at the next General Club Meeting. If a person is declined Full Membership, their initiation fee and a monthly prorated portion of the dues already paid will be returned.

AMA Membership shall mean any member of the AMA, either as a full member or as a
member of the Park Flyers Program. Membership cards will clearly indicate whether
the member is a full AMA member or a Park Flyer participant. Restrictions on type of
aircraft flown will be in accordance with the AMA restrictions.

Section II Removal of Club Membership
Any club member can be removed by the membership whenever in their judgment the
best interest of the club will be served. A 2/3rd vote must be obtained at a club meeting for removal. All appropriate sections of Article XII must be followed before vote.

Section I Board of Directors
The officers of this club, which shall constitute the Board of Directors (Directors), shall
a. President*
Note: Must have been a club member in good standing for at least (1) year. b. Vice-president c. Secretary d. Treasurer e. Up to (3) Senior Advisors
Must have served one full term as President or Vice-president.
*Note: Adam Strausner was elected a permanent Senior Advisor as of the
October 1998 meeting.

Section II Election
The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of one year, by secret ballot.
Absentee ballots may be obtained from the Secretary or newsletter and received by the Secretary signed and sealed prior to the election. Ballots will be counted by 2 Directors and a Club Member in good standing.

Section III Vacancies
Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by appointment by the Board of
Directors, such appointee to serve out the remainder of the term in which the vacancy

Section I President
The President shall be the executive officer of the club and shall have general
supervision of its affairs and shall be subject to the control of the Directors. The
President shall preside at all meetings and shall be the spokesperson for the club. The
President shall appoint standing and special committees with the exception of an
election committee. The President shall be the ex-officio member of all committees and shall guide the club toward a direction in the best interest of the club, members, and fields.

Section II Vice-president
The Vice-president shall assist the President in all matters and shall assume the duties
of the President if, for any reason, is not able to perform his duties. The Vice-president
shall be the chairperson of all committees with the exception of an election committee.

Section III Secretary
The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes and attendance of all club proceedings.
Shall keep the Constitution, By-laws, and Field rules and cause all amendments,
changes, and additions to be noted thereon. The Secretary shall conduct club
correspondence and other such duties, as the Directors shall prescribe. The Secretary
shall maintain a record of club membership, applications, and membership’s AMA and
FCC status.

Section IV Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the club and shall keep an exact record
of all moneys received and dispersed. The Treasurer shall make a report of the
financial condition of the club at all meetings. A financial audit of all club books will be
completed before the club books are transferred to the Treasurer’s successor.

Section V Senior Advisors
The Senior Advisor(s) shall be responsible to guide the Directors with past club history.
Shall assist in appointed committees. Shall review the club Constitution, By-laws, and
Field rules for any required updated or improvements and shall periodically review the
clubs financial records for correctness and report finding to the President.

The elected officers shall comprise the Directors and shall be empowered to make
decisions when action must be taken before a regular club meeting. Approval of (3)
Directors is required for any expenditure between $50.00 to $100.00. A majority of the
Directors must approve any expenditure between $100.01 to $200.00. Any other
expenditure over $200.01 other than field rent must be approved by a majority of the
members present at a regular club meeting.

Nominations for officers shall be held prior to the October elections. Incoming officers
shall be installed at the same October meeting.

Regular club meetings shall be determined at a day, time, and place proposed by the
Directors. Emergency club meetings can be called at the discretion of the President. At
any club meeting, a quorum shall be the members present as long as:
1) The membership has been notified of the meeting at least 30 days in advance of the
time, date, and place of the meeting. Such notification shall be accomplished via an
announcement on the homepage and email notification to the email address of record
for the member.
2) The agenda, including any matters to be voted on by the membership are included in the notification.
If both requirements are not met, a quorum shall be any ten members in good standing.

Dues shall be set by the membership to meet the financial needs of the club.
Senior membership shall be for members 60 and older. The dues for seniors will be
$55.00 if paid by December 31 of previous year. Senior memberships not paid by
December 31 will be $65.00.

Adult membership shall be for members 18 years to 59 years old. The dues for adults
will be $70.00 if paid by December 31 of previous year. Adult memberships not paid by
December 31 will be $80.00.

Junior membership shall be for members 17 years and younger. The dues for juniors
will be $20.00.

New Members joining between January 1st and July 31st shall pay full dues of

New members joining between August 1 and October 31 shall pay half year fee of

New members joining November 1 and December 31 pay $80.00 and covers
remainder of current year and following years dues.


The operation of all club fields shall be in accordance with current Academy of Model
Aeronautics and Frederick Model Airplane Club, Inc. rules, regulations, and guidelines.
Any member found flying and not to have a current AMA membership will have their
flying privileges immediately suspended pending completion of Article XII.

Section I Purpose
The purpose of Article XII is for a guideline to be established for the Directors to follow
when a grievance arises. Any member can initiate a grievance resolution request.
Section II Procedure
a. The Directors shall understand the reason for the grievance resolution
before any action is taken. This shall be accomplished by presentation of
the allegations to the Directors from the member who initiated the procedure.
b. If the Directors decided to proceed, a written request to respond to the issue will
be sent to the member in question. Also a verbal request can be made in place
of the written request, to meet with the Directors to discuss the issue
c. After reviewing all facts from both parties, the Directors will decide what if any
action is necessary.
d. At the Directors discretion either before or after the final recommendation, the
membership shall be informed of the issue at a club meeting.
e. Once the Directors make a recommendation to the membership, a vote will take
place to carry out, modify, or cancel the recommendation.
f. The membership can at anytime during a club meeting stop or reverse the
grievance resolution process concerning a current issue.

All Club applications will be voted on at a regular club meeting. A quorum vote is
required by the membership at the regular meeting for acceptance.
Copyright 2022 Frederick Model Aircraft Club, Inc.

As Adopted by the Board of Directors on 06/19/2006; 03/08;
10/1/2014 – Provide for quorum of less than 10 members
11/06/2021- Updated membership rates and member groups

Click here to download the “pdf” version of these rules.

FMAC Field Rules.pdf