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Revised: 4/15/82, 5/19/83, 2/16/84, 7/18/91, 3/19/99, 4/26/01, 6/17/04


  1. Membership cards in both AMA and Frederick Model Aircraft Club, Inc. for current dues year.  Member must be in good standing as described in the club constitution/by-laws.  Visitor/Guest flyers must have current AMA membership.

  2. Membership cards for AMA and FMAC must be displayed while flying.

  3. Visitors to the Frederick area may fly at the club field(s) as a guest and must be sponsored by a currently flying, soloed club member.  The sponsoring club member must act as a spotter while the guest is flying.  The sponsoring pilot does not fly while the guest is in the air.  It is the responsibility of the members present to determine if the visitor is capable to fly at the field(s).

  4. Immediately after arriving at the field, the pilot must place their transmitter including buddy boxes in the impound shelf or obtain the proper channel pin.

SECTION II               SAFETY

  1. All flying activities will be in accordance with current AMA safety codes and Frederick Model Aircraft Club, Inc. rules. 
  2. No alcoholic beverages or any other disabling drugs will be used during participation in any model operation nor are they allowed on the property at any time. 
  3. The channel control board will be used at all times when operating radio control equipment. 
  4. All take-off and landings will be announced so that all other pilots flying or in the pit area can hear. 
  5. All new or repaired models will be successfully ground tested before first flight. 
  6. All new or repaired aircraft must be announced, prior to take-off so that all can hear. 
  7. Intentional over-flying of pit, spectator areas, parking lots, or structures is not permitted. 
  8. All flying will cease once field maintenance begins such as grass cutting. 
  9. Extended running of engines is not permitted in the pits such as breaking in a new engine. 
    (this is so that pilots flying can hear their own planes in the air)
  10. No person shall operate a remote controlled model unless they are a qualified pilot or assisted by a qualified pilot. 
  11. Training of a new pilot will be announced to all before such training begins.   A qualified pilot must demonstrate three controlled take-offs and landings. 
  12. All non-AMA members must remain out of the flight line and pit areas at all times. 
  13. Parking is only allowed in designated areas determined by the Board of Directors. 


  1. Before removal of a transmitter or buddy box from the impound shelf, the pilot must obtain the proper channel pin(s). 
  2. After a maximum of (25) minutes, the pilot’s flight will be terminated.  The transmitter must be returned to the impound shelf and the channel pin must be replaced.  If no other pilot is on the same channel, the pilot may retain the channel pin and transmitter. 

SECTION IV             GENERAL  

  1. Any violation of the AMA and/or Frederick Model Airplane Club, Inc. rules will be brought to the attention of the violating person.  The violation can also be brought to the attention of any Director.  Any Director member can discretely warn or immediately suspend flying privileges for that day due to a safety violation. 
  2. Any damage of club property due to abuse by a member will be the responsibility of that member to replace, pay for, or repair to like condition. 
  3. Any damage of club property by a non-member will be the responsibility of that non-member to replace, pay for, or repair to like condition. 
  4. Animals brought to the field(s) will be under the control of the owner and will be kept out of the pit area. An animal will not be permitted back to the field if found to be leaving waste in the spectator or parking areas.

Blue entries indicate modifications or additions as per our June 2004 club meeting

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