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FMAC in the Frederick County Community

The purpose of our organization is to promote the building and safe operation of model aircraft and to promote acceptance and good will toward this sport/hobby through educational involvement in the community.

For additional information about any of these events or to plan one for your organization,
please contact our Public Relations Coordinator, Dave Hostetter.

click on any of the pictures for an enlarged view

Boy Scout Troop 796 of Urbana

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Bob Pitt goes through the R/C aviation portion of the scouts training for their Aviation Merit Badges

Three members of FMAC brought R/C model airplanes for the discussion portion of Boy Scout Troop 796 as they work towards their aviation exam to receive their Aviation Merit Badges.  Bob Pitt lead the discussion that included aerodynamics, airframe structure and field equipment.

Boy Scout Troop 278

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Bob Pitt goes through the  basics of RC modeling with the scouts

Six members of FMAC held a ground school presentation of sorts for Boy Scout Troop 278, on a nice, late spring evening in June.  Club members assembled several model airplanes, field gear and transmitters for a static display and illustration of the basic necessities for RC flying.  Bob Pitt presented the information which invoked many questions and excitement from the scouts.

Walkersville Elementary School Presentation

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Ms. Ronnie Voigt recaps the events of the week and recognizes the awards given to eleven students. Butch Belote gives a presentation to the students explaining how important Newton's 3rd Law is to flight. A Q&A session after the presentation. Students were given the chance to view the models up close as they made their way to the flight demo.

In May 2004, Walkersville Elementary celebrated "Space Day" and the accomplishments of eleven students that were honored with an award at Udvar-Hazy Center in Dulles, Virginia.  They wrapped up a week of festivities and field trips with a visit from the Frederick Model Aircraft Club and Frederick County Commissioner, John Lovell, Jr.  We had static models and a presentation of the dynamics of flight and how the related to Newton's Laws.  Commissioner Lovell spoke to students about his time as a pilot and emphasized how they can accomplish anything if they put their minds to it.

Afterwards, the students were awed by flight demonstrations given by  some of our 3D electric pilots.

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Dave Hostetter and Jason Buri put on a show of ballet in the air for the students. Oohs and ahs were abundant as the pilots put their electric planes through their paces. 14 year old, Matt Hostetter puts on a solo show while the students watch with amazement. As one student stated, "he is making it dance in the air".

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Here are just a few of the many letters and notes received from the students at WES.

Weblos and Boy Scouts of America at East Alco

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The day started early the scouts get the area prepared for the days events. FMAC was allowed to set up our presentation area at the One of our members gives a few of the scouts a brief history lesson while other members ready for the physics of flight part of the presentation. Our trainers get their aircraft prepared for a long day of flight training.
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Last minutes flight checks take place as other FMAC members discuss some the early morning wind issues. The winds subsides and the scouts began forming a line to get their chance at the controls.

Scouts from the surrounding communities converged on the East Alco Recreation Site on April 24th, 2004 in Frederick Maryland for their annual "Weblos Bridging Day". (WE'll Be LOyal Scouts)  This is a day when the Boy Scouts troops help indoctrinate the Weblos in preparation for their transition into the Boy Scouts.  Their day consisted of fire building, the use of an axe knife, map & compass use, using a zip line, camping and cooking.  As an additional event the Frederick Model Aircraft Club gave presentations explaining the history and physics of flight.  The scouts also got the chance to fly some of our member trainers, on a "buddy box" system, with some of our trainers.  The hope is that this will go towards their requirements for their aviation merit badge.

The high winds delayed the start of the training flights until after lunch but all of the scouts were very enthusiastic with flying the planes as some even got back into the line to fly again.  

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The scouts were taken up, two at a time in the attempt to make sure they all got the chance to fly. A couple of training assistants explain the operation of the transmitter controls and assist them during their flight. The scout on the left is locked onto the airplane as his gets his chance on the sticks.  The scout on the right is getting his pre-flight explanation of the controls.

Flight Demonstration at the
Frederick County Sheriff's Boy's Ranch

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FMAC's Bill Autry and Bob Pitt prepare a delta flying wing Zagi for flight as Dave Hostetter fields a question Bob Pitt's Zagi in flight Youth check out Chris Churco's Heckler and Bill Autry's Sig Kadet

FMAC was invited to share our passion for model aviation with the young men and women from the Maryland Sheriff’s Youth Ranch in March 2004.  There were multiple flight demonstrations given as well as discussions about how the model airplanes work and fly.   It was an extremely windy day so flying was somewhat limited but the youth seemed to enjoy the demo and asked a bunch of questions.  Many of them were quite amazed that under such windy conditions these planes could be landed without destroying them and gave a big round of applause to our daring pilots.  They also enjoyed some of the aerobatic flying that was done.

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Chris shows some of the boys how to preflight his 3D Magic Chris flies his 3D Magic Chris helps Bill ready his Sig Kadet for takeoff
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FSK Mall Show

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A new RC pilot in the making?

FMAC's Tom Sawyers researches some information for an interested observer

FMAC Airplanes on display

More fun with the RC blimp

FMAC was given an opportunity to give a static model presentation at the Francis Scott Key Mall in March 2004 for their "Education and Recreation for the Youth" week at the mall.  Several club members participated and many airplanes and helicopters were displayed.  The kids were given balsa gliders (provided by Larch Lane Hobbies) just for stopping by.  The show also featured a few RC blimps that the kids could fly by remote control.  Many people stopped by the booth and asked lots of questions about the sport and how to get involved.

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Mall patrons view FMAC club informational handouts

Mall patrons check out Adam Strausner's giant war bird

...more airplanes

A trainer airplane on display

Brunswick Elementary School Presentation

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Model Airplane/Helicopter Display

Brunswick Elementary School Officials introduce FMAC to the students

Adam Strausner shows his Wright Flyer Model to the students

Wright Brother's skit presentation

FMAC gave presentations to the entire school population at Brunswick Elementary School in December 2003.  The morning started with FMAC club secretary and safety officer Butch Belote giving a Power Point educational presentation on the Wright Brothers and their lives.  Since the students were already reading and studying the Wright Brothers due to the 100th year anniversary of powered flight, the presentation was a nice tie-in to their studies.  In addition to the slide show, various club members took the floor and talked about their different models and how they fly.  Airplanes, helicopters, flying wings, and a replica Wright Flyer were on hand for the students to see.  The students were amazed and impressed and asked many questions.  In addition, an airline pilot was on hand to discuss modern day aviation and a Wright Brothers skit was presented.

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Butch Belote gives his 100th Anniversary Wright Brothers presentation

Brunswick students are captivated

More airplanes and flying wings

Brunswick Elementary Students learn about airline piloting from a professional

FMAC went back on April 23rd, 2004 for a live flying demonstration for the students.  Some of our members Pulled off a spectacular air show for the students with their electric 3DX planes

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One of the BES teachers is speaking to the students about the demonstration flight they are about to see. Our pilots are reviewing their flight plans with one of the spotters. Our Electric 3DX Pilots The students are mesmerized with the flying demonstration as our pilots put them planes through their paces.

Holiday "Food Drive" Dinner

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FMAC club members enjoying pizza and swapping flying stories

In December 2003 the FMAC annual canned food drive was held at J&P’s Pizza.  About 30 people came including club members, spouses, and children.  It was a night of fellowship and storytelling that had everyone in good spirits.  Everyone brought at least 3-4 canned and dry food goods.   After the night of fellowship was over we had collected a car load of canned and non-perishable dry foods, that were donated to the Frederick County Food Bank. 

Civil Air Patrol Flight Lessons at Fort Detrick

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FMAC's Bill Autry discusses the mechanics of RC piloting

Civil Air Patrol Cadets listen closely

Civil Air Patrol Cadets watching flight demonstrations

Bill Autry giving flight instruction to CAP student

In June 2003 FMAC was invited to the Fort Detrick Army Base complex to give flight demonstrations and remote control flying lessons to the Civil Air Patrol cadets.  FMAC’s Bill Autry, Rich Cramer, and Tom McLellan were on hand to discuss different aircrafts and their flight characteristics as well as different flying techniques when doing sport flying vs. aerobatic flying.   About 20 cadets were in attendance for the event and ALL of them wanted a chance to fly.  Many tanks of fuel were burned that day and the cadets kept our instructor, Bill Autry, on his toes.  In addition to the demos and the flight lessons there was an extensive Q&A session both before and after the 3 hour flying session.  The cadets were thrilled to experience this kind of first-hand RC piloting.

Annual Fun-Fly

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Contestant #1 tries her hand at flying

This guy is trying to set a speed record!

This contestant is going for distance

No lack of food at our events!

Kids help setup for the balloon busting contest

In the fall the Frederick Model Aircraft Club opens its doors to the public and has its annual fun-fly event.  This particular fun-fly was held in the fall of 2002 and featured activities for the flyers, the spectators, and the kids.  The day is filled with flying contests of all types, sport flying, aerobatic flying, food, drink, and good fellowship.  As the flyers competed in various flying events the kids got to do some flying of there own.  Everyone in attendance had a good time. 

This page was last updated on 02/09/11.
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