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FMAC Classifieds
If you would like to post your item here, please click the submission
button, below.
We can also post a photo of the item you wish to advertise.
Once your item has been posted, you will be contacted for any photo that you
would like to include.
Items submitted will be posted for 3 months, then removed,
unless you
contact the webmaster
Click on the thumbnail picture for a larger image.
Click the back button on your browser to return.
SELLER: The Frederick
Model Aircraft Club is not responsible for the accuracy of the above listed
postings. While every attempt has been made to eliminate errors in these
postings, it the responsibility of the person submitting the item/s to
verify the accuracy of the final posting. The Frederick Model Aircraft
Club reserves the right to deny any posting/s it feels does NOT relate to the RC
aircraft hobby/sport.
BUYER: The Frederick Model Aircraft
Club shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies in the postings made
here. The Frederick
Model Aircraft Club shall not be held liable for, nor expected to mediate in any
transactional problems between the buyer and the seller. If you have a question or concern about any of the
item/s listed on this page,
please address them to the person/s listed as the contact for that item/s.
ALL transactional issues that may come up are the responsibility of the buyer
and seller to resolve.
GENERAL: Even though we have NOT experienced any problems with any
items represented here, nor have we been informed of any transactional issues,
the term "buyer beware" has to apply. As most RC modelers have
been in the hobby/sport for some time and even those who haven't, as a general
rule are very good people to deal with. We do however, get many posting requests
from outside of our club's area and have no way of knowing who or what type of
circumstances surround the item/s they wish to post, nor their intentions.
The reason for this disclaimer is simple: As the classified page has
become very popular and in most cases, very successful in helping RC modelers
sell their equipment, the Frederick Model Aircraft Club is a Non-Profit organization
and receives NO fees for any posting made and/or sold here. This page was
set up ONLY as a service to the RC community and in good faith we want you aware of any possible downside and
that any responsibility of any item/s sold or purchased here, is yours.
In a nutshell, the lawyers made us add this...
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Copyright ©
February, 2011
Frederick Model Aircraft Club, Inc.