kit by Balsa USA
Photos and text by Doug Mills
Note: this kit is NOT suitable for beginners. |
Specifications: The first group of photos (taken early in late October, 2003) show the result of about three months planning, and building. The next group of photos was taken in late December 2003. The plane is about 90% complete. The next group of photos were taken in February, 2004. Working on the details! "The morning of June 30, 2004 and all systems are "go" for the Pup's maiden flight. Henry Bergen piloted the plane. Once off the ground, the plane went into a nose-up attitude. Even with full down trim and holding lots of down stick, Henry managed to bring the plane around the patch for a safe landing. There was some discussion about the wing incidence being off slightly may be the problem. Henry did some adjusting of the flying wires on the stabilizer and made a second attempt. This seemed to help somewhat, but still a handful for Henry. He made a couple of passes and landed. And what a landing! The Pup just floated in! There was more discussion about the plane being tail heavy. This will be addressed later, and hopefully we'll see the plane fly again." |
This page was last updated on 04/22/10
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Frederick Model Aircraft Club, Inc.